WeChat (微信), China’s dominating social network, continues to grow rapidly and breaks one MAU (monthly active user) record after another. And there are many other important channels in China’s unique Social Media ecosystem: the micro blog Sina Weibo (新浪微博), Little Red Book (小红书), Douyin (抖音) or the Q&A platform Zhihu (知乎). Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn have conquered the world.
Social Media has changed not only our media landscape, but also the way in which companies communicate and consumers, decision makers and influencers receive their information. Professional Social Media management has become indispensable, and it will remain essential for every promising communication strategy in the future.
We advise our clients on how to use the online communication tools and implement Social Media strategies. We create content, design KOL campaigns and maximize user engagement. A strong micro blog and Social Media presence enables you to directly reach potential customers and partners, decision makers of your industry, journalists, bloggers, multipliers or potential employees.